8th Pan American Junior Championships
Havana, Cuba - February 16 to 27 , 2005

Argentina - Jamaica : 17-1
Barbados - USA : 1-5
Puerto Rico - Venezuela : 5-0

Argentina make debut with overwhelming victory

The men's Argentine team started the defence of their title demolishing Jamaica 17-1 at the 8th men's Pan-American Junior Championship, which will qualify the top three for the Junior World Cup from June 29 to July 10 in Rotterdam, Holland.

Three hat-tricks by Facundo Callioni - in the eighth, 11th and 55th minutes; Pedro Ibarra (14th, 27th and 29th); Juan Saladino (in the 31st, 35th and 42nd minutes); two goals from Tomás Argento (in the ninth and 48th minutes); two by Lucas Vila (20th and 63rd) and Lucas Rossi, in the 56th minute, and Manuel Brunet, four minutes before the final, netted the others for the Argentine unquestionable victory at the Antonio Maceo Stadium in Santiago de Las Vegas, 25 kilometres south from Havana.

Jamaica displayed a defensive scheme from the very beginning, placing four midfielders aided by a forward who joined them in an attempt to stop Argentina's attacks.

The Caribbean team could control their rivals in the first minutes, but when the South Americans opened the score - eight minutes from the start - it was difficult to stop them and the goals were scored almost without interruption.

However, Jamaica surprised the Argentines netting through the only penalty corner they produced in the whole match against 19 of Argentina. Then, in the 25th minute, Jerome Davis scored from a powerful corner shot.

Argentina showed efficiency in the penalty corners scoring four from this play as the drag shot from midfielder Ibarra was lethal.

The South Americans also were effective in their advances, specially through Callioni-Tomás Argento combinations which were a real nightmare for Jamaica.

Jamaica increased their retreament system after half-time, leaving only one forward in the front line.

Though Jamaica's goalie Donovan Shakespeare sparkled in the second half, Argentina netted the 11-1, just seven minutes from the re-start, continuing scoring until the 17-1 final result.

Argentina: Dell Agnolla; L. Argento, Rey, González, Tisera; Brunet, Ibarra, Rossi; Vila, T. Argento and Callioni. Also played: Corradini, López, Saladino and Ortega. Coach: Pablo Lombi.

Jamaica: Shakespeare; Marshall, McGalshen, Levy, Richards; Gardiner, R. Smith, East, Beach; K. Smith and Davis. Also played: Beckford, Wheatley, Fisher and Kelly. Coach: Michael Broadber.

Umpires: Michiel Bruning (Holland) and Albert Marcano (Trinidad & Tobago).

Booking - Green cards: 44m, Gardine (J).

Barbados - USA : 1 - 5

In the second match of the day, United States defeated Barbados 5-1.

The match was even during the first 15 minutes, though the US showed a slight superiority from the start, which could not reflect in the score.

Captain Patrick Harris and striker Daniel "Valderrama" Jordan were the most dangerous inside Barbados' circle. However, the US opened the score through a penalty corner by Patrick Harris, in the 15th minute.

Seven minutes later, Harris again increased the lead with a powerful corner dragged shot.

Barbados did their best to advance, but their only got a penalty corner which finished without consequences.

In the last minute, Daniel Jordan put his team 3-0 ahead with a powerful shot.

Early in the second half, an explosive rush by the US captain finished in the fourth goal, when Harris beat the Caribbean goalie Lyndell Francis with a strong shot, in the 37th minute.

But like the match between Argentina and Jamaica, the Barbadians also had their reward netting from a penalty corner through Aaron Forde, four minutes later.

From then on, Barbados, led by Laurando Davis, reacted pushing the United States towards their back line, but their advances - they got two penalty corners - were well saved by the back row and keeper Jebediah Saez.

However, Barbados' hopes to close the gap were cut by US captain Patrick Harris who scored his fourth from a penalty corner to put his team 5-1 ahead, in the 60th minute.

Barbados: Francis; Small, Puckerin, Henry, Franklin; Payne, Forde, Griffith; Davis; Harding and Clarke. Also played: Dario Jordan, Phillips, Rice and Warner. Coach: Peter Chase.

United States: Saez; Scally, Sherburne, Mahan, Ahluwalia; P. Harris, S. Harris, Francis; R. Jordan, D. Jordan and Cunningham. Also played: Freundlich, Schlosser, Niles, Pile and Zayac. Coach: Nicholas Conway.

Umpires: Daniel López (Uruguay) and Thomas Gantz (Chile).

Booking - Yellow card: 61m, Forde and Small (B). Green card: 37m, Franklin (B); 53m, Pile (US); 56m, Mahan (US).

Puerto Rico - Venezuela : 5 - 0

In the last match of the day, Puerto Rico trounced Venezuela 5-0.

In a first half full of imprecision and defensive mistakes, Puerto Rico was the team who committed less mistakes to go to the break leading 2-0.

Puerto Rico attacked from the start producing the best advances. Then, they took the lead - in the 22nd minute - through Ottus Feliciano, to clinch a 2-0 advantage, seven minutes later, by Omar Márquez.

Ten minutes before half-time, Venezuela moved from defence reaching their rival area but without harming Puerto Rico.

After half-time Venezuela controlled better Puerto Rico's fast attacks, specially through their strikers Jonathan Cruz and Víctor León. Between the back row and the excellent performance by keeper Michael Rico (who replaced Ronald Quiñones in the second half), Venezuela stopped the dangerous Puerto Rican advances.

It seemed that the match was sealed, but Puerto Rico continued struggling to net the third, in the 61st minute, through Manuel Colón.

Finally, Angel Figueras netted the 4-0 scoring from a powerful penalty corner shot, two minutes before the final whistle and, in the last minute, Ottus Feliciano sealed the final 5-0 score.

Puerto Rico: González; Figueras, Márquez, Rivera, Feliciano; Colón, Basora, Rodríguez; Feliciano and León. Also played: W. Maldonado, Ortiz, F. Maldonado and Fernández. Coach: Carlos Ríos.

Venezuela: Quiñones; Lizardi, Gutiérrez, Galavis, Jones; Guilarte, Kaiser, Serrano; Tovar, Gamboa and Kaiser. Also played: Rodríguez, Tuset and Alvizu. Coach: José Luis Martínez.

Umpires: Marc Knule (France) and Kim Hong Lae (Korea).

Opening Ceremony

A colourful and bright opening ceremony took place before the last match of the day.

To the harmony of the Pinos Nuevos Dance Group - featuring 23 professional dancers, which performed typical Cuban dances - joined 80 flag bearers of the Cuban Physical Education Institute showed their skills after the traditional parade of the delegations.

The Vice-president of the National Sports Institute (INDER) Angel Iglesias, the Member of the State Council and 1st Vice-president of the INDER Cristián Jiménez, the INDER Provincial Director Carlos González and the Cuban Hockey Federation José Manuel González Cortina alongside America's CDO of the PAHF and FIH Jorge Querejeta and member of the International Hockey Federation and Tournament Director Alberto Budeisky, both from Argentina.