2015 Pan American Games (Women)

Toronto, Canada

Argentina Argentina, Canada Canada, Chile Chile, Cuba Cuba,
Dominican Republic Dominican Republic, Mexico Mexico, Uruguay Uruguay, USA USA

Cuba v Dominican Republic

7th-8th place

# Info Time Teams Score Status Match Sheet
24 July 2015
21 7th-8th place 9:00am Cuba CUB - DOM Dominican Republic 1 - 2 Official    x 2  

Match Report

In the match for seventh place Cuba and the Dominican Republic played. Cuba started the match with nine players including keeper Heidy Gonzalez. For the first half of the first quarter both teams battled for possession. In the 6th minute, the Dominican Republic’s Magalys Ortega had a shot saved by Cuba’s keeper Heidy Gonzalez. Despite being down players, Cuba was able to largely keep possession for the next seven minutes. Cuba’s Brirzaida Ramos had a shot go wide in the 13th minute and then Cuba’s Yunia Milanes also had a shot go wide. With Gonzalez coming far out of goal to hold off the last minute Dominican Republic attack, the match remained scoreless at the end of the first quarter.

The second quarter started with the Dominican Republic on attack. In the 18th minute, the Dominican Republic’s Agustina Birocho got the ball past Cuba defender Sunaylis Nikle to Ortega for the hard shot past Gonzalez. Ortega’s goal in the 19th minute gave Dominican Republic the lead. Cuba immediately went back on attack and earned the first penalty corner of the match in the 19th minute. The penalty corner shot by Yaniuska Paso went wide and Dominican Republic went back fast into their attacking circle. The Dominican Republic continued to try to attack, but Cuba’s Captain Mileysi Argentel and Ramos played good defense to keep the Dominican Republic from many more shots off in the second quarter. In the 29th minute, the Dominican Republic had their first penalty corner of the match.  The penalty corner drag flick by Lucia Navamuel went wide. Cuba went back fast on attack and Milanes had two shots blocked by Dominican Republic’s keeper Cindy De La Rosa that ended the second quarter with the score still Cuba 0, Dominican Republic 1.

The third quarter started with Cuba on attack and earning two penalty corners. Both of Cuba’s penalty corner shots were blocked by the De La Rosa and the Dominican Republic defense. Dominican Republic went back on attack and Cecilia Oflaherti put in hard goal past Gonzalez to make the score Cuba 0, Dominican Republic 2 in the 34th minute. In the 41st minute, Cuba had a penalty corner, but Paso’s shot was blocked by De La Rosa. In the 44th minute, Cuba’s Yuraima Vera Rojas had a shot blocked by De La Rosa. With either team unable to get another shot off in the final minute, the score at the end of the third quarter remained Cuba 0, Dominican Republic 2.

The fourth quarter also began with Cuba continuing to attack and earning two penalty corners a few minutes into the fourth quarter. Both shots by Paso were blocked by the Dominican Republic defense. Cuba had a third penalty corner in the 50th minute, but could not get the shot off as the ball was not stopped and the Dominican Republic regained possession. The Dominican Republic could not get a shot off and Cuba then earned another penalty corner in the 54th minute, again the hard shot by Paso was blocked by De La Rosa. A minute later Cuba had another penalty corner, but failed to execute the play. In the 56th minute, Cuba had yet another penalty corner. Argentel passed to Milanes whose shot was blocked by De La Rosa. The Dominican Republic then earned a penalty corner, but could not capitalize. Cuba ran fast back on attack and after Vera Rojas’ shot just missed a fairly open goal, Vera Rojas regained possession and pushed the ball past De La Rosa. The goal by Vera Rojas in the 59th minute made the score Cuba 1, Dominican Republic 2. The Dominican Republic defended well in the final minute to maintain their lead to earn the victory over Cuba and the seventh place finish. Cuba finished in eighth place.


Team Min # Player Action
Dominican Republic 19 10 ORTEGA Magalys FG
Dominican Republic 34 5 OFLAHERTI Cecilia FG
Cuba 59 13 VERA ROJAS Yuraima FG
CAN v USA (Semi-final) MEX v URU (5th-6th place)

Final Standings

  1. USA
    1. USA
  2. Argentina
    2. Argentina
  3. Canada
    3. Canada
  4. Chile
    4. Chile
  5. Uruguay
    5. Uruguay
  6. Mexico
    6. Mexico
  7. Dominican Republic
  8. Cuba
    8. Cuba

Pool Standings

Team GP W D L GD P
Pool A
Argentina  ARG 3 3 0 0 26 9
Canada  CAN 3 2 0 1 10 6
Mexico  MEX 3 0 1 2 -13 1
Dominican Republic  DOM 3 0 1 2 -23 1
Team GP W D L GD P
Pool B
USA  USA 3 3 0 0 19 9
Chile  CHI 3 2 0 1 6 6
Uruguay  URU 3 1 0 2 -7 3
Cuba  CUB 3 0 0 3 -18 0